OAK Now has Twitter! Follow OAK on Twitter for newest info on all the OAK divisions and sneak peaks!

Am i confusing you? Not yet anyway... OAK is splitting up! Into many different

OAK Life- Is what Friends Of All
Kinds Basically is. Life stuff, like animals, eco stuff, sayings and the Paper

OAK Imagine- is what build a bears of all kind is.
Although the Bouncy Ball Pages on OAK are also part of the imagine divsion.

OAK Online- also has home at Friends Of All
Kinds, it includes pages about computer games, programs, or help. 

OAK TV - Is a division of OAK that brings you
news updates, or episodes of your favorite TV shows like Kid Vs Kat oir Young
and the Restless. OAK TV is currentley based out of Friends Of All Kinds.

OAK Hamstopia - Is Our Hamster division which
is primarily based out of OfAllKinds Hamstopia.
Ugh! I'm trying to build a good automated mob abtoir! Any ideas? I'm starting with passive mobs, and might go into squids... I'm building a giant floating field for speak groun and then they fall into the draincanals going into lava tubes. Let me know any other ideas!
Here i will post stuff about the site such as coming soon stuff and important annoucements.
In this category i will post ideas or projects for minecraft such as "what if..." or "i'm gonna start building..." if your bored on minecraft then you know where to look.
This category will be used to share minecraft news like new updates and additions to the game.